Abortion is legal until 22 weeks in Columbus, OH
Abortion is legal in Ohio, but isn't offered at this health center. To find out where you can get an abortion, check out the resources below or contact us at (614) 222-3604.
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Restrictions in Ohio
The following abortion restrictions are currently in effect.
Parental Consent
This state requires you to get permission from one parent to have an abortion if you're under 18 years old. Please call to speak to our staff about the steps you need to take to get permission.
Judicial Bypass
You may be able to get a judge's permission to have an abortion without involving your parents. Your local Planned Parenthood health center can help you with that. You can also get support from the Judicial Bypass Helpline (by referring you to this website, Planned Parenthood is not providing, or intending to provide, any legal or medical advice).
Abortion options
There are two kinds of abortion — the abortion pill and in-clinic abortion. You can find a list of providers for both of these options on abortionfinder.org or go to Plan C to learn more about abortion pills by mail.
Travel and paying for an abortion
If you need to travel out of state for your abortion, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Planning your travel, lodging, and appointment(s) ahead of time can help reduce stress. Bringing along a trusted friend or family member for emotional support can also help.
Paying for an abortion: Find out if your insurance covers abortion by calling your health insurance provider. If not, Abortion funds may be able to help cover some of your costs. You have to book your abortion appointment before you can apply for abortion funds.
Emotional support
Having a range of emotions after an abortion is completely normal. All-Options and Exhale are both non-judgmental and private emotional support resources.