Support Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education
Your donation supports the commitment of Planned Parenthood of Michigan to provide high-quality, affordable reproductive healthcare services to women and men regardless of ability to pay and to provide comprehensive, medically accurate sexuality education to thousands of youth and their families every year.
Legal Name: Planned Parenthood of Michigan
Address: P.O. Box 3673, Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Employer Identification Number (EIN): 38-1707521
Ways to Give
Online Donation: You can make a difference locally! When you donate online and designate PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF MICHIGAN as the ORGANIZATION, you put 100 percent of your donation to work right in Michigan! You may even choose the MONTHLY GIVING tab to become a sustaining supporter.
By Mail: You can send your gift via U.S. mail by writing a check to Planned Parenthood of Michigan or by including your credit card information and sending it to:
Planned Parenthood of Michigan
Development Office
PO Box 3673
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
By Phone: Call our Development Office toll free at 855.896.4966 and indicate that you wish to make a donation.
Workplace Giving: Ask your employer if they have a matching gift program. Get more information on our Workplace Giving Page.
Stock Transfer: Visit our Donate Stocks or Securities page for more information. Contact our Development Office toll free at 855.896.4966 for assistance.
Planned Giving: Your financial advisor or attorney can advise you about planned giving. Get additional information on Planned Giving page. Contact our Development Office toll free at 855.896.4966 if you have questions.
Additional Options (Online, By Mail, or By Phone)
Pledged Monthly Contributions: Setting up an ongoing contribution in installments provides Planned Parenthood with a reliable and steady source of income supporting all of our services.
In Honor/In Memory: Your donation in the name of a friend or loved one will help support and expand Planned Parenthood's important work.
Planned Parenthood of Michigan is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to Planned Parenthood of Michigan are tax deductible, less any product or services given in consideration of a contribution.
For questions/comments, please contact us via email at [email protected] or call toll free 855.896.4966.